Forum Discussion

Amato's avatar
Roaming Rookie
4 months ago

Missing calls and texts in or out from my T-Mobile usage and phone records reports...

I have a problem with T-Mobile not having accurate phone records and showing inbound or outbound calls to include text messages. I can’t locate certain calls coming in or made to include text message on specific dates. Does anyone live in Sumner County, TN and are experiencing the same problems?


Appreciate the time...

  • Schm2112's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    Win did they switch to the new app. Even tried to look at last statement usage snd keep getting a unavailable at this time for a month 

    • Amato's avatar
      Roaming Rookie

      If the new app you are questioning *IE* T-Life... that app is very new, and replaced, but the problems of TMobile usage records not showing incoming, outgoing calls and texts message are what you are having... this is well over a year now and still going on. Can you be more specific?

  • Amato's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    Ok, thanks so much for taking the time and responding… have a good day!

  • tidbits's avatar
    Spectrum Specialist

    That tells me they are domestically roaming on the towers near you. Since they don't have access to the tower like they have their own they have to wait for the data to be given to them. Try and double check who owns the towers near you. Don’t listen to the reps when you call in. They’ll only know if it has service but not who owns it. 

    3 towers near my workplace  2 T-Mobile and 1 Lutheran Church. If I am to on the backside I connect to the one at the church and all usage doesn’t always show up from time to time. 

  • Amato's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    Totally understand, but I’m retired and haven't traveled outside of my area, but usage reporting seems to be and has been an ongoing issue for T-Mobile and AT&T simply not reporting usage details. 

  • tidbits's avatar
    Spectrum Specialist
    Amato wrote:

    Thanks so much, but zero roaming,  Samsung A15 and my lines are here in Tennessee, and never usage reporting?

    Not sure why...

    Domestic roaming you’d never know.  For example the tower near my workplace belongs to a local cellular company that owns the rights to certain bands.  T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T roam on that tower because they don’t own that spectrum and need the coverage.  International roaming it will often give you a message or a symbol if you are internationally roaming.

    For usage on that tower I often don’t see usage from that are until days later and at times sometimes a month later.  It’s all depending when the owner wants to get paid it seems like.

  • Amato's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    Thanks so much, but zero roaming,  Samsung A15 and my lines are here in Tennessee, and never usage reporting?

    Not sure why...

  • tidbits's avatar
    Spectrum Specialist

    What device do you have?

    One possibility is you are domestically roaming in certain areas which those towers don’t always report usage until much later and isn’t always marked as when it happens.  So like your call was at 2pm for example when domestically roaming it may show up in your usage up to a month later.  This is with all carriers.

    Calls/text made using internet access(facetime, and iMessages as an example) will not show up as text or calls as they do not go through the carriers network like a traditional call/text.  It will show up as data usage.



  • Amato's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    I didn’t see any responses, so let me ask the same question again… from my original post 4 days ago, and I see 49 reviews, is any T-Mobile customer(s) having the same problem as I outlined on usage details not being reported on any data reports? Not specific to Sumner County, TN, but anywhere in Tennessee possibly. I’m trying to figure out, is this localized, regionally or just a T-Mobile problem, and them not reporting usage details in general.

    Thanks again!

    • Schm2112's avatar
      Roaming Rookie

      In Minnesota having the same issue. Even called.

    • Lmac's avatar
      Roaming Rookie

      I am having the same issue. 

      • Amato's avatar
        Roaming Rookie

        Lmac, thanks for the response and this issue of no usage details for incoming, outgoing calls or text message show on the T-Mobile usage reports. Can you describe the problem you are having in more detail?
