Forum Discussion
Misleading sales reps
About six months ago I changed from AT&T to tmobile. Aside from the occasional no service...I've had a good time using them for my mobile provider, however if something sounds to good to be true, it probably is. I was told by a salesmen in the store that the jump program would allow me to upgrade free of charge once the price of my phone was paid half way off. Now that's only partially true. There may not be any additional activation to your new device but you are responsible for another hefty down payment. I recently attempted to upgrade to a new Samsung phone and was told my down payment would be 399 since I have less then great credit and I haven't been a customer for 12 months. When I originally signed up I notified them the phone I would be purchasing that day was a transitional device until the Samsung g7 edge came out and that I wasn't going to want any additional cost when I upgraded. They assured me there would be no issue. When I attempted to JUMP over the phone they told me the exact opposite. So now I'm stuck with a stylo2 I never wanted and is only worth the 89 dollars I still owe on it. I also informed them my current device has a very low battery life and they suggested I swap it out for a new stylo2. When I informed them that I'm currently searching for a better offer a representative of tmobile wished me "good luck" and told me to have a pleasant day... Future upgraders beware, lots of smoke and mirrors in the tmoblie arsenal.
What have I said has led you to believe I don't understand what a down payment is? I realize a down payment is not an imaginary amount of money tmobile comes up with, I pay, and then it magically disappears. Whatever you are to tmoblie means very little to me at this point, I've accomplished what I set out to do via private message with a "tmobile" representative and I'm growing tired of you passive aggressively questioning my intelligence. I'm done with this conversation its exhausting repeating my point to someone who neither gets it nor is helpful in anyway. Thank you tmobile for acknowledging my concerns. For the time being I will remain a tmobile customer.
- Kahlons210Newbie Caller
Sales representative did the same thing to me it was over the phone she gave me wrong information and made me switch from AT&T and now I am stuck with t-mobile for 2 years contact, the company that gave me wrong information to sign contract. I am so unhappy with t-mobile , how can such a big company have these sales people who are giving wrong information to the customers over the phones and giving all the misinformation so that consumers switch over with t-mobile. I feel like I got scammed by t-mobile and now I am stuck with them for 2 years. I will never buy t-mobile again in my life, very disappointed and unhappy. Please someone send me number to corporate, Member services or someone where I officially complain about this, so that it doesn’t happen to anybody else. Thanks
- Brian0369Network Novice
This t-mobile store took a picture of me and put it on the group chat they have at work about a year ago. I was told they do it after every sale and asked me if it was ok . The still took my picture . I went again yesterday to replace my phone and was told the down payment was 91.99 . They said they would give me a case and temper glass for free. I’m in sales myself . So I asked him and said “ you sure it’s free ? Like I don’t have to pay a single cent more ?” They replies by saying nope, completely free. So I paid and checked my bill and says my down payment was only 39.99 and they made me pay for a temper glass I never even asked for without telling me. I’m just realizing this as I check my bill. This store in Calexico , imperial ave is managed very strangely compared to all the other T-Mobiles I’ve been too and don’t appreciate being lied to about my down payment and then being made to pay for accessories I told them I didn’t want. I don’t put a case on my phones ever or temper glass. But they clearly told me it was free.
- kristopherjohnsNetwork Novice
The same actually just happened to me today. The rep pearl told me in September that id be eligible in October. I went to the store and they told me that they saw her notes that guaranteed the 0 down and that she had confirmed this with me after checking my records. I actually had her triple check because this isnt the first time T-Mobile as screwed me over. Each time she confirmed and then stated that she would document it so I would have no issues when it was time to change. The reps in the store and in the phone said they were shockd. The phone rep said that he was sorry that I had been misinforme and offered me a $50 crediT. Obviously this didn’t fly with me. He then wanted to pass me off to the loyalty departmen (which was closed). I’m very disappointed that I fell for this not once, but twice!!! I’m angry because T-Mobile reps that don’t know what they are doing shouldn’t be allowed to give information like this. Furthermore, I could have switched to Verizon and payed $150 down for the phone that I wanted and surrendered my spoty T-Mobile service instead! I am not a rich man, so the chance to upgrade for basically free is more than ideal. I am also a loyal man and believe that when you stick with a company they will reward you for it. I feel as if I’m being punished, and that is just not right! If they want to keep my business, they had better step, get it together and fix this or I’m walking right across the street to Verizon. We will see how this call from the loyalty department goes (if they call at all). Fingers crossed!
- biggdawg64Roaming Rookie
What have I said has led you to believe I don't understand what a down payment is? I realize a down payment is not an imaginary amount of money tmobile comes up with, I pay, and then it magically disappears. Whatever you are to tmoblie means very little to me at this point, I've accomplished what I set out to do via private message with a "tmobile" representative and I'm growing tired of you passive aggressively questioning my intelligence. I'm done with this conversation its exhausting repeating my point to someone who neither gets it nor is helpful in anyway. Thank you tmobile for acknowledging my concerns. For the time being I will remain a tmobile customer.
- snn_555LTE Learner
When you make a down-payment, that payment is applied to the cost of the device. So, weren't charged extra to upgrade.
Again, I am not an "inside man."
- tmo_chrisSpectrum Specialist
Thanks for the info biggdawg64. I will be sending you a private message as well to gather some more specific information about the store so we can ensure the proper feedback is given.
I also want to make sure that there is no confusion here in regards to how our community operates. This community is primarily driven by its users and T-Mobile employees such as myself or others with Tmo_ in front of their names don't step into a conversation unless it is absolutely needed. When posting in our support community, you can expect that the majority of the replies you get will be from other T-Mobile customers. We as "Community Managers" see everything that is posted and will step in if there is any misinformation given.
- biggdawg64Roaming Rookie
I originally signed up for tmobile at the West Tusc location in Canton, Oh. Honestly it would have been great for someone to have given me a resolution to my 400 dollar dilemma. However I'm happy to have been a driving force for future tmobile customers to more informed. Its not the best case scenario for me personally but if it sparked future adjustments within the tmobile family, I can live with that. Side bar although informed customers helping with technical support may be helpful, customers that are upset about monetary issues don't want to be talked to by, for lack of a better phrase, an inside man.
- tmo_amandaBandwidth Buff
Hey @biggdawg64!
I'm sorry you weren't given the full picture when you signed up for JUMP! You're right, our store employees need to be 110% transparent especially when it comes to a service that you're not familiar with. @snn_555 is super helpful around our Support Community and is correct about the JUMP! policy. I know that's not exactly what you're looking for at this point. I want to make sure the feedback is provided so this doesn't happen again. Do you happen to remember which store you visited?
With regard to making up for the wrong information being provided, I don't know what options are available because we do not have account access to make any of that happen. I really wish that we could be more help, but as I mentioned, I would love to pass your situation along to the appropriate store to make sure the correct information is provided in the future.
- snn_555LTE Learner
You're welcome. 😊
(T-Mobile reps have a "Tmo_Name" format. Also, they are required to disclose that they are an employee.)
- biggdawg64Roaming Rookie
I apologize for thinking that someone so adamant about defending the tmobile way was an employee. I mean it would be impossible for an employee of tmobile to come into a "community" thread and try to combat complaints about the company. And truthfully and respectfully your interpretation of that scripted response is irrelevant. Ill humor it for one second however, an agreement between you and us it says. But who is us and why are representative of tmobile excluded from that. Frankly it's contradictory. I also don't agree that you've been the gleaming example of objectivity you claim to be. Regardless there is no reason for you to continue to defend them as I said I'm not trying to get anything from this. On the shear off chance you don't work for tmobile you've actually educated anyone reading this much more then tmobile paid employees did for me.
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