Forum Discussion
military service
I am serving in Kuwait with a T4B T-Mobile One Military 2+ plan. I recently recieved a msg from T-Mobile stating that if I have any more roaming, they will shut off my data? Why would have I got this msg. I thought I was good to go with a military plan.
Hey, @magenta7572835!
First off, thank you for your service! We make an exception to the International Roaming allotment that @snn555 referenced above for those that are stationed abroad. I'm going to send you a private message with information on where to send a copy of your orders to and what other info to include. You can check your inbox here.
- wcheung318Network Novice
Hello, can you send me information also? I deploy to Kuwait in about a week and want to know where to send my orders.
- bmcalister22Network Novice
I am overseas on active duty orders for the army and I was told that I had unlimited data under a military plan but that doesn’t look like it’s the case do yall suggest any coarse of action
- Gabe543Network Novice
I also have your Military plan and I am being deployed to Poland next week. Please let me know how to submit my orders
- CdbethelNetwork Novice
I am being deployed to Kuwait as well and need the info sent please. Thank you
- BwhittakerNetwork Novice
I am being deployed to Kuwait on Aug 1 and could you sent me the exception for roaming charges while I am deployed. Please and Thank You
- orodNetwork Novice
I'm in Kuwait and have to use a Puc for internet and Wi-Fi calling, i know another soldier that has T-Mobile and has free incoming calls from home without getting charged the .25 cent rate, but i get charged the .25 rate. Why is that
- HeavenMCommunity Manager
214gostars wrote:
Kiddo heading to Kuwait on deployment, please DM me the info needed. Thanks so much.
Sent :)
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
you can click on her name and send her a DM as well
- 214gostarsNetwork Novice
Kiddo heading to Kuwait on deployment, please DM me the info needed. Thanks so much.
- HeavenMCommunity Manager
Cwoodard5617 wrote:
I also have orders to submit if this program still exists.
Francisco.bautista wrote:
Hello. I am currently deployed to Qatar. Can you please also send me the email instructions. Thank you
Nicwun wrote:
My son is being Deployed to Kuwait in April. We have the max plan. Is there anything special we need to do for his phone
Hey friends! There is still a program that provides an exception to our international roaming timeframe limits for members of military because we are eternally grateful for their service. I am sending you a DM with the email and information needed right now.
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