Forum Discussion

gerwin1101's avatar
Newbie Caller
3 years ago

Legacy Pay As You Go

I had the Gold plan for many years. How does the replacement “Legacy Pay As You Go” work now?

  • This is what happened to me this morning:  I didn't let my gold account expire, it expired on it's own - 9 months early.   I added to the balance last October 2024 and the web receipt shows an expiration date of October 18, 2025.  3 months later I turn on my phone only to be greeted with a suspended account text and a zero balance.  (Balance the previous week was $114.)  CSR said it may have been a glitch but didn't know for sure and said the balance would be restored in 72 hours.   Have had this plan 17 years and this is a first.

    • bluesky16's avatar
      Network Novice

      Yes, my case was resolved today and sharing it so hopefully it helps others!

      Here's the timeline:

      March 2024

      • Added $10 refill to Legacy Pay as You Go Plan. Dial #225# and got:
        • Expiration Date: March 2025
        • Balance: $60

      January 2025

      • Got text message that plan has been suspended. Dial #225# and got:
        • Expiration Date: January 14, 2025
        • Balance: $0
      • Called Customer Service 3 times:
        • 1/16 - CS provided ticket number and said will resolve 24 -72 hours
        • 1/23 - CS said will escalate ticket and will resolve that day.
          • CS called back 2 hours later and said they're still working on it.
        • 1/24 - CS said will contact tech support and get resolved in 30 minutes.
          • CS called back and said:
            • Balance was restored back to the original amount of $50 
            • In order for the expiration date to be resolved, I needed to add $5 to the account and that the new expiration date would change to 1 year from now - January 2026. I provided credit card info over the phone and CS added $5 and confirmed that the new Expiration date is now Jan. 24, 2026.
          • Dial #225# and got:
            • Expiration Date: January 24, 2026
            • Balance: $50

      Hope that helps! I've also been on this Legacy Pay as You Go Plan for more than 10 years. 

      • TMC1's avatar
        Newbie Caller

        Good luck.I just communicated with customer service that the plan has expired.They might make you pay again sooner.

    • TMC1's avatar
      Newbie Caller

      I just found out what happened.I had an online chat with customer service

      and something did change.

      • magenta1580279's avatar
        Network Novice

        Odd thing though is plenty of other legacy payg users including myself have added smaller amounts than $100 and were able to carry over the balance for a full 12 months (see gerwin1101's posts).  That is for those who had reached 'Gold' status which I did years ago.  But my last refill WAS for $100, and that gave me a 10-18-2025 expiration.  Yet it expired after only 3 months.  So something still isn't right.

    • TMC1's avatar
      Newbie Caller

      I'm on legacy plan too.My account got suspended when i still have money on it.It's only been 6 months since i refilled.It supposed to last for 1 year.What to do?

      • bluesky16's avatar
        Network Novice

        Yes, I just replied here:

  • I lost my gold status long ago and was only rewarded another year standby when I called in.... After that I had to add $10 every 3 months. However it seems adding an entire $100 holds it for a year. (Gold or not) All good if You make use of the service enough to require refill. To be honest, I have zero trouble with the phone working except only ONE time the entire T-Mobile network crashed. I use the dollar a day plan but I was curious if I could find the actual details on how the plan works today example if I add $100 then $10, will it nag me in 3 months again? Understanding they wouldn't want to loose money but there is obviously not enough grandfathered plans to effect the company budget. 

  • You are correct, but mine has already expired because T-Mobile stopped sending reminders and I failed to follow the paper reminder taped to my computer. I cannot get the $70 back without moving to a plan that will cost at least $10 per month.

  • Spend the $10 to get $70 back.

    You can’t let your Gold account expire. Put a reminder on your computer calendar, Google, etc. I set mine for reminders 7 days in advance of expiration. I have a $40 balance and just add $10 once a year. Works fine and I have an extra phone for backup. I obviously don’t use the phone much, but it is well worth $10/year if I lose or break my expensive phone.

  • T-Mobile appears to be actively trying to force users off the Legacy PAYG plan. It used to be that I would get a warning text a few days before my annual renewal was due, but that stopped a few years ago. Then, after getting the Account Suspended text without any warning, I would get my previous balance reinstated by refilling and calling Support. This year I had a balance of $70.65 when I missed my renewal date. When I called to request a refund, I was told by more than one offshore support person that I could only get my money back if I changed plans. Minimum plan is $10 per month. WHAT A RIPOFF! I have requested unlock codes for my phone.

  • I use T-Mobile phone only for emergencies. I was not aware of a change in the Gold plan. But I kept adding $10 every 12 months and over 3 years my balance increased to $43. I am guessing that I can keep adding $10 every 12 months and keep making ten cent phone calls and text msgs.

  • mack787's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    T mobile are not supporting the legacy plan in the open, instead encouraging users to go monthly etc.  But there are other users i know of that have it!

    do you still get the 10 cents per minute regardless of the amount you refill?  Or do you still have to refill $100 to get it?