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Legacy account balance wrong
I've got a legacy account for my emergency phone @ 10cents a minute.
My balance is $44,my minutes available show 225.Do the math.
Thanks Alan,
I am very sorry for the confusion here. Since we do not have access to your account here on a public community forum, I was not able to see what specific legacy plan you were on. From what Maddie said, it looks like you are on the really old plan and that plan does have different per minute rates based on the amount you refill.
To get $0.10/minute rates, we would need to get you on the other plan that she was talking about. It is $3/month but that $3 gives you 30 units (either minutes or messages) and additional calls/messages are $0.10/min. On this plan, everything is essentially $0.10/min but you are charged the $3 monthly and given the 30 units for that month.
- magenta9477559Network Novice
Just saw this. There is no $3/mo for a Legacy account. (That $3 is for a post-Legacy account.) Only requirement is that once a year (say, Nov. 30, if last money on it was 12/1) you put βnewβ money on it. I found out T Mobile has been deducting multiple texts/day, even tho I am not texting (ands almost never receiving). In midst of argument now.
- tmo_chrisSpectrum Specialist
Thanks Alan,
I am very sorry for the confusion here. Since we do not have access to your account here on a public community forum, I was not able to see what specific legacy plan you were on. From what Maddie said, it looks like you are on the really old plan and that plan does have different per minute rates based on the amount you refill.
To get $0.10/minute rates, we would need to get you on the other plan that she was talking about. It is $3/month but that $3 gives you 30 units (either minutes or messages) and additional calls/messages are $0.10/min. On this plan, everything is essentially $0.10/min but you are charged the $3 monthly and given the 30 units for that month.
- magenta3796280Newbie Caller
5.7M people like thisShopping & RetailMon 5:05 PMChris-this is Alan Larrick.What now?Thanks so much for reaching out to T-Force today, Alan! It looks like our previous conversation may have been in a different Facebook account so I'm not able to see. Let me know what's going on and I'd be more than happy to move forward with you. Thanks! *MaddieAbbottmo_chris told me to contact him here instead of emailAh, I see! Let me pull up your account and check out the memos to see what's going on. Please follow the link below. Thanks! *MaddieAbbotFacebook AuthenticationFacebook Authenticationsecure.message.t-mobile.comPlease AuthenticateThank you so much for filling that out for me, I've got full access to your account now to be able to assist with anything you need! Unfortunately, I'm not seeing any memos that might tell me what's going on, I'm sorry about that! What's going on? How can I help out? *MaddieAbbotI;ve nbeen getting charged 19 cents per minute and it's supposed to be 10.When I pull up your account, I see that you have the Grandfathered Pay As You Go plan, where your minutes are $0.19 each, text messages are $0.10 each, and picture messages are $0.25 each. This plan was grandfathered in 2014 and replaced with our current Pay As You Go plan, which is $3 per month, and all texts and minutes are $0.10 each. Also, the $3 monthly charge goes towards your balance to use towards calls and texts. Would you like me to change your plan to give you the reduced picture messaging and calling rate? *MaddieAbbotno,chris said it is still 10it's a billing errorI have no interest in texting.I'm a senior citizen disabled Veteran,this is my emergency phoneI'm so sorry for any misinformation, Alan! I've verified the grandfathered plan you are on is charging you correctly- calls are $0.19 per minute on this plan, it is not a billing error. With out current Pay As You go plan, it will be $0.10 per minute. I can change you to the new version of the plan that will give you the $0.10 per minute rate right away, though! π Would you like me to change your plan? *MaddieAbbotSo you want me to go ahead and make it public how Tmobile treats disabled Vets?We love our military family, Alan! I would love to change you to the plan you are looking for- the current plan you are on is more expensive. If you would like to save money and have those $0.10 minute calls, I can make it happen for you right now. *MaddieAbbotI don't make enough calls to cover the $3 a month you are trying to sneak by me-I may be disabled bit I'm not stupidthis is my emergency phoneI understand what you are saying, Alan. That may be why we still have you on the grandfathered plan since it doesn't have the $3 monthly cost. Unfortunately, without having the $3 monthy cost, the lowest per-minute rate we have available would be $0.19. If I had a way to change the cost of the minutes I would do it for you in a heartbeat! However the cost is hard-wired into the plan and we don't have a way to adjust that. π₯ The price you are paying per minute is correct based on the plan that you have. *MaddieAbbotVets look out for each other.THousands will be unhappy when they hear about this.Why don't you run it by your supervisor?I hear what you are saying, Alan, but we are an elite team of corporate specialists here in T-Force, and if anybody could change the price you pay per minute it would definitely be us. Nobody in T-Mobile has the ability to alter the price of minutes on a rate plan- it is completely set up in the system. I do want you to know that we truly care about our military members and their families, and I definitely don't want you to think we don't. Here is some more information on some of the things we are doing currently:
I can assure you that if we had the option to change your per-minute rate without changing your plan, I would have done it for you right away. This is not something that is possible in our system, however. If you use less than 16 minutes per month, then I would recommend staying on the plan you currently have as it will give you the best possible rate we have to offer for that kind of usage. *MaddieAbbotThank you for your time.I'm off to make multiple posts on the VA and other websites warning my fellow Vets and all active duty personnell about how duplicious Tmobile is.Also-Please stop insulting us with your ad campaigs.How do I copy this message?I sincerely apologize for any frustration, Alan. I truly wish I had the ability to change that rate for you, but you are being charged correctly based on your plan. If there was any way to change that, please know that I would make that happen for you! We appreciate your service to our country and if we could make it happen for anyone we would not hesitate to make it happen for you!I'm not able to find any steps to copy and paste from your device, but you should be able to do it from a computer! Just highlight the text, right click, and you should have an option to copy. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns, I'm here for you! *MaddieAbbotIf you ot Tmobile were" here for me",you wouldn't have reneged on the contract we had.THis will cost you a lot of customers.Thank you again for your time.This is the same plan you have been on since 2006, so I can assure you we have not made any changes to your plan. This plan was grandfathered in 2014, and is no longer available to new customers but you are able to keep it as long as you'd like! We only started offering $0.10 per minute calls in 2014 but only if you changed your plan. I appreciate your time as well, and we are here for you 24/7 if you have any other questions or concerns in the future. *MaddieAbbotGet used to seeing this on a lot of websites-"Don't trust Tmobile.They will hike your rates without telling you.Then when you catch on,they will say there is nothing they can do because of "the system". They are using us for publicity.Don't get sucked in like I did. Let's boycott them and hit them the only place they care about-their wallet."I truly apologize for your experience, Alan, but we have not increased rates on your plan. I've looked back through your account and see that you have been on the same plan with the same per-minute rates since 2006. I cannot apologize enough for any misinformation you have received previously, but you have never had $0.10 per minute calls with this plan. We honor our promises and always make sure to do what is right for our customers, and this includes not changing rates on the plan you signed up for. If you have any questions about this, please let me know! I would love to turn this around for you in any way that I can! *MaddieAbbot Military Discount Program - for Military, Veterans & FamilyThe T-Mobile Military Discount is available to military members, veterans, and their family members. It offers up to 50% savings. Learn more.themilitarywallet.comTher will plenty more tomorrow on AL Militaru sitesMy offer to assist is sincere, Alan. If you have any other questions, please let me know. I want to make sure you understand WHY the rate cannot be changed. It's not that we WONT change the rate, but that we literally have no possible way of changing the rate. If there is anything else I can do to turn this around for you, let me know! I'm here for you. *MaddieAbbotHow can you say that honestly? You CAN change the rate,as evidenced by what you(not you personally) did when you(Tmoblie ) did but reneging on my plan.I understand your situation,but I refuse to believe there is noone at Tmobile that cannot fix this.I"m going to bed now,I have a LOT of posting to do tomorrow.I cannot imagine how many thousands of $ your are going to lose to the Military community.We stick together and have each others backs at all times.Thank you for your kind help and goodnight..I apologize for any miscommunication, but we are not able to change rates and have not changed the rate on your plan in the past. Thanks again for your time, Alan, and I hope you have a good rest of your evening. Take care for now! *MaddieAbbot
On Thursday, October 25, 2018, 5:06:33 PM EDT, tmo_chris <> wrote:
#yiv1669397630 * #yiv1669397630 a #yiv1669397630 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv1669397630 #yiv1669397630 h1, #yiv1669397630 h2, #yiv1669397630 h3, #yiv1669397630 h4, #yiv1669397630 h5, #yiv1669397630 h6, #yiv1669397630 p, #yiv1669397630 hr {}#yiv1669397630 .yiv1669397630button td {}
T-Mobile Support
Legacy account balance wrong
reply from tmo_chris in Account & services - View the full discussion
I am not really sure what is going on here. Our pay as you go plans are still $0.10/minute. Can you tell me what T-Force said exactly?
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- tmo_chrisSpectrum Specialist
I am not really sure what is going on here. Our pay as you go plans are still $0.10/minute. Can you tell me what T-Force said exactly?
- magenta3796280Newbie Caller
She was more than polite,I have no problem with her.She seemed genuinely concerned and said she wished she could help but that the system was inflexible and she couldn't do anything.I think she even called my cell phone,but like I said,it's only for emergencies and wasn't on.
I too am bummed,my disability keeps me from working so every dime helps.The VA is going to do a major spine operation that may help,but that's months away.I may not ever be able to return to work and I get no disability because you have to have 10 consecutive quarters of earnings to qualify and my Dad spent his last 3 years bedbound.I fractured my back twice lifting him and would have had to put him in a nursing home to get the proper treatment,so my spine looks like a jigsaw puzzle.
Thanks for getting back,and if there is anything else I can try,please let me know.
On Thursday, October 25, 2018, 1:42:17 PM EDT, tmo_mike_c <> wrote:
#yiv6395125302 * #yiv6395125302 a #yiv6395125302 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv6395125302 #yiv6395125302 h1, #yiv6395125302 h2, #yiv6395125302 h3, #yiv6395125302 h4, #yiv6395125302 h5, #yiv6395125302 h6, #yiv6395125302 p, #yiv6395125302 hr {}#yiv6395125302 .yiv6395125302button td {}
T-Mobile Support
Legacy account balance wrong
reply from tmo_mike_c in Account & services - View the full discussion
I'm bummed to hear you're still needing help. Can you let us know exactly how the conversation went with Maddie? Sorry to pry, but we wanna make sure we assist you as best as we can.
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- tmo_mike_cT-Mobile Employee
I'm bummed to hear you're still needing help. Can you let us know exactly how the conversation went with Maddie? Sorry to pry, but we wanna make sure we assist you as best as we can.
- tmo_chrisSpectrum Specialist
I am so sorry Alan. We are actually conversing on a public forum, not in email. While you are replying via your email, your replies are being posted here where you originally asked your question.
What specifically did Maddie tell you when you messaged T-Force?
- magenta3796280Newbie Caller
Chris-I conversed with one MaddieAbbott on Facebook but she couldn't help.She also said she couldn't find any notes regarding our emails on the account.I'd like to resolve this amiably,but since I am disabled,I have a lot of time on my hands and know a lot of Veteran and Military websites that are full of people who would be unhappy to hear about one of their own getting shafted like this. I'd appreciate any help.
Thank you,Alan
- magenta3796280Newbie Caller
I went to the Facebook site and conversed with on MaddieAbbot.She refused to help.
On Monday, October 22, 2018, 4:43:50 PM EDT, tmo_chris <> wrote:
#yiv0669884015 * #yiv0669884015 a #yiv0669884015 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv0669884015 #yiv0669884015 h1, #yiv0669884015 h2, #yiv0669884015 h3, #yiv0669884015 h4, #yiv0669884015 h5, #yiv0669884015 h6, #yiv0669884015 p, #yiv0669884015 hr {}#yiv0669884015 .yiv0669884015button td {}
T-Mobile Support
Legacy account balance wrong
reply from tmo_chris in Account & services - View the full discussion
Sorry about that.
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- tmo_chrisSpectrum Specialist
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