Forum Discussion

magenta7007489's avatar
Newbie Caller
7 years ago

How to activate a new simcard?


I have a new sim card and one tmobile activation code. How I can to activate it? I can't find a special link on the

  • You will need to follow these steps and most likely reach out to care in order to activate the SIM.  Please keep in mind that if you do not have a way to verify a one time PIN that they will send to a line on the account, you will need to go to the store and present a photo ID in order to get it activated.

  • Jtraylor's avatar
    Newbie Caller
    BamaGirl wrote:

    I spent 5 hours on Chat and 3 hours on the phone and not one person can help me.  I have been a Sprint customer FOR 20 YEARS AND AM BEING FORCED TO CANCEL MY CONTRACT because my T Mobile SIM CARD will not work on our phones because we live in a rural area, our old SIM cards work just fine.  GREAT IDEA T MOBILE I will be notifying all the social media sites, yelp, yellow pages, etc. Better Business Bureau, Pissed Off Consumer and Everyone on the Internet that I can find on how you have treated a 20 year customer.  What poor customer service.  Unreal.

    I'm trying to activate a sim card for my Audi Q7 . I don't have a cellphone with T-Mobile my cell phone service is with Verizon. I try to activate sim card online and they want a phone number! I just want a data plan. I've been told T-Mobile had a good cheap Data plan but this hassle I'm having to go through is not worth it! I see how T-Mobile did you Bamagirl and it shows just how T-Mobile is! T-Mobile do not care for the consumers! I just don't know why I can't just activate my SIM card without a cellphone and a cellphone number?????? 

  • BamaGirl's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    I spent 5 hours on Chat and 3 hours on the phone and not one person can help me.  I have been a Sprint customer FOR 20 YEARS AND AM BEING FORCED TO CANCEL MY CONTRACT because my T Mobile SIM CARD will not work on our phones because we live in a rural area, our old SIM cards work just fine.  GREAT IDEA T MOBILE I will be notifying all the social media sites, yelp, yellow pages, etc. Better Business Bureau, Pissed Off Consumer and Everyone on the Internet that I can find on how you have treated a 20 year customer.  What poor customer service.  Unreal.

  • no way to follow website's advice (due to it now being outdated) guess I have to call since I can't activate it online now? [Phone > Change SIM is not an option under line]

  • Yikes! I hate that you had a bad experience trying to update a SIM card.  You are absolutely right that it should be a very easy process.  I know I can't change what has already happened, but were you given an explanation as to why your Blackberry couldn't be activated?  If you provide me with the Model/Style of Blackberry, I will be glad do some research and see if you have any alternatives.

  • I did everything to change an old junk blackberry device and got a new sim card. BUT after hours of checking on site and customer service they could not help. They can not even speak properly and mumble. T mobile may be the lousiest business ever ripping off consumers. I wish I never have to deal with your horrible customer service.

    Changing a sim should be simple but you make it horrible. SHame on you and I will never forgive you for wasting my evening

  • You will need to follow these steps and most likely reach out to care in order to activate the SIM.  Please keep in mind that if you do not have a way to verify a one time PIN that they will send to a line on the account, you will need to go to the store and present a photo ID in order to get it activated.