Forum Discussion
DIGITS numbers inaccessible after account change
We were on a legacy plan from 2017, "ONE ALL IN," that was supposed to stay at the same price, but as we all know now, the corporate overlords wanted more money. Because of this, we elected to change to the 55+ plan to keep our costs the same. This necessitated paying off the plan, doing "Change of Responsibility" to make my husband the primary account holder since he is the 55+ individual. They ported over all the numbers, including the two DIGITS numbers that were associated with the previous account and told us everything would be fine.
After opening the DIGITS app after this change, everything was gone and the only option was clicking "Add DIGITS line" which just generated a new number to the account, which still was inaccessible, despite the fact that as no longer the primary account holder, I shouldn't have been able to add a new charge to the account.
Regular support spent 45 minutes trying to get the numbers (which are ON the new account, being billed as $10 each) to be accessible to EITHER DIGITS app on each of our phones. She seemed to have very little knowledge about any of it but I was polite and let it play out until finally after 45 minutes she said it would require a TECH consult, which I thought meant bringing someone else in to the call, but no she just transferred me to India and he knew as little as she did and I had to start over explaining myself. After another 45 minutes he just said he couldn't resolve it and he threw a $20 credit our way and said he'd call me back himself in 48 hours.
Is there anyone that can speak to getting previously used DIGITS lines to be successfully activated on a new account??
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- 4 months ago