Forum Discussion
Beware: Login Hijack using misspelled URL
This is about URL’s brought and owned by bad actors. Representing accidentally misspelled addresses of know websites from which they might use malicious exploits for monetary benefit. NOT BROWSERS. Perhaps you need to need to enhance your understanding of domain name services (DNS). The list of internet website addresses are not stored in your browser. Excluding temporary use and caches..of course. To put it in lamen’s terms. DNS is the phone book of the internet. It takes the URL and matches it up with a IP address to which a request can be routed. The addresses and are owned by TMobile. Companies don’t always buy up alternative top level domains and unintentional misspellings. Most do provide a channel to communicate any exploits that might be used to attack their customers. One technique you can employ, is to only use browsers that allow plugins allowing javascript to be turned off. Which will disable a lot of the dynamic code in the page that can do harm. Security tools are only as good as the latest list of bad actors. To many people panic and follow along with the bad actors instructions because they think they have too. Perhaps I should have said “another less secure browser”. I my opinion the gecko (firefox) browser engine is more secure than blink, or webkit.
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