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Why am I paying for 2 - 3 protection plans & If My phone’s NOT listed how do I know what to pay?
I have been a LOYAL T-Mobile customer for approx. 22 years – in no way should ANY of us have to go through what I have been through as a T-Mobile customer: I originally had a LG K20 Plus. I bought a new phone in Feb/March 2024 – I contacted T-Mobile to let them know I have a new phone Samsung Galaxy XCover6 Pro. Under the “T-Mobile Deductible and Fee Schedule” sent out to the customers on February 19, 2024 (They send them out TWICE a year) – My phone was listed under TIER 3 - $13 (Plus applicable taxes). I’ve attached documentation BELOW from the LAST THREE “T-Mobile Deductible and Fee Schedules” (Feb. 19, 2024 / Sept. 20, 2024 & Jan. 29, 2025) Then, starting with my March 2024 bill – They billed me $19.60 for 1 protection plan, The April 2024 bill was - $18.88 listing TWO protection plans! (I ONLY HAVE ONE PHONE!); May 2024- $16.51 – 2 protection plans; June 2024 - $15.06 – 2 protection plans; July 2024 - $19.60 – 2 protection plans; August 2024 - $18.88 – 2 protection plans; Sept. 2024 - $13.51 – 2 protection plans; Oct. 2024 – $11.33 – 2 protection plans; Nov. 2024 - $11.47 – 2 protection plans; Dec. 2024 – $11.47 – 2 protection plans; Jan. 2025 - $10.83 – 3 protection plans. SOMEHOW I NOW HAVE THREE PROTECTION PLANS!! I ONLY HAVE ONE PHONE! The Supervisor/Rep - said I'm on Tier 5 - which is $18 - WHAT? NO - I am Tier 3 and as the supervisor =himself said my phone is now "old" - I wouldn't be on that Tier and I was NEVER on that tier since I bought the phone according to the Assurant Schedule. Today - 2-8-25 - received my bill - again incorrect - called T-Mobile. Eventually, as usual, had to ask for a Supervisor. The Supervisor/Rep - said I'm on Tier 5 - which is $18 - WHAT? NO - I am Tier 3 and as the supervisor himself said earlier in the conversation when he say the make/model of my phone - that my phone is now "old" - I wouldn't be on that Tier anyway - AND I was NEVER on that tier since I bought the phone as according to the Assurant Schedule of Feb. 19, 2024 - MY PHONE WAS LISTED on Tier 3 - I asked EVERY REP and Supervisor I have contacted over the year to look at the 2/19/24 Fee Schedule that was sent to the customers - they don't know how or won't - I said to every one of them that I have scanned the page and highlighted my phone - let me send it to you via email so you can see and we can be "on the same page"- NO, they said you have to mail it - WHAT??!! - So there is no way for me to show them what THEY sent out to their customers and so no way to prove ANYTHING! The T-Mobile supervisor told me I had to contact Assurant - THIS IS AFTER being on the line with various T-Mobile reps and Supervisors for 1 hour and 42 minutes and 25 seconds!! to find out what TIER I’m on as my phone is NOT listed on the Fee/Deductible schedule they send out to the customers dated Sept. 20, 2024, AS WELL AS the latest one – dated Jan 29, 2025. So, I called Assurant after I hung up – Got a representative – went through the verification process – again explained the problem and then I asked the rep 3 questions: What Tier am I on? Why is the phone not listed on the Fee and Deductible Schedule? And WHY does it say I have 2 and now, as of this bill - 3 protection plans – I ONLY HAVE ONE PHONE!? He finally told me I was on Tier 3 – Great! - how about the other 2 questions - He told me I have to contact T-Mobile –WHAT – THIS IS AN ASSURANT QUESTION – T-Mobile sent me to YOU! So, Because I don’t want to end up on Snapped, Dateline or 20/20 – I asked for a Supervisor. He put me on hold and then after being on the call and then put on hold – I hear a dial tone – They hung up!! That call was: 24 minutes and 24 secs. TOTAL TIME TODAY – 2-8-25 - ON THE PHONE W/T-Mobile/Assurant – TWO HOURS – SIX MINUTES and 49 SECONDS. FYI: I was told by one of the myriads of T-Mobile reps I’ve spoken to – that they have a policy that a customer should NOT have to call more than twice - preferably once – to solve a problem with Service etc. – I have called EVERY MONTH for almost a YEAR! HELP!Sathyme19 minutes agoVisitor6Views0likes0CommentsNintendo Switch NAT Traversal Process Has Failed
Error Code 2618-0513 on switch when trying to join other players online. I can connect by hotspot from my phone (Verizon) and it works fine. I have tried all of the manual IP addresses and everything I’ve seen online.Krawczak472 hours agoNewbie Caller8.8KViews1like13CommentsNo Chat Available and Payment Arrangement Question
Boy oh boy has it been a ride since T-Mobile bought out Sprint. First, we used to have fabulous service in our home (in the middle of nowhere) but the minute everything switched from Sprint to T-Mobile our service tanked. We now have to go outside or sit in exactly the right place to have any service inside. I’ve asked about it multiple times and they swear nothing has changed but clearly it has. Anyone else having this issue? Second, where on earth is the chat option? This is definitely my preferred communication method but it seems to rarely be available. I’m not sure why since often questions regarding cell phone accounts are pressing and need an answer quickly but I hardly ever have the chat option pop up. And last but not least, whew. We were definitely unprepared for the drop in customer service since the changeover. We’ve had Sprint/T-Mobile since 2006 and were, in general, pretty happy. We always had great customer service with Sprint. But with T-Mobile? Nope. Long story short, our son was badly injured in an accident a couple of months ago and both my husband and I were off work for a significant amount of time dealing with it all. I get paid time off but my husband is in construction and does not. This threw our bills all off kilter and I’ve had to make arrangements, make payment plans, clean up the mess, etc. Well T-Mobile was a nightmare. I chatted with one rep that stated flat out that they were sorry but couldn’t really help. I did finally get a really great rep and he was able to go above and beyond to extend my payment and set up an arrangement and he was incredible. He broke the payment into two parts and told me just to chat again if I needed anything or if we needed another extension and he’d make it work. I made the first of the two payments but needed an extra week for the second part. I chatted for over an hour with a rep (not the really great one) and she said there wasn’t much they could do and that the best she could do was to check my account and manually reconnect it if it’s disconnected but that I’d be charged $60 per line (I have four) for reconnection. I appreciate her trying to find a solution but really? There’s not a single thing they can do to bump it out one more week? Anyway, a rep had previously advised that I put a credit card or checking account on file for my payment that did not have the funds to cover the payment so that when the payment is declined it’ll buy me another couple of days to get my payment in. So, rather than paying $240 in reconnection fees for a $141 payment, I just did exactly that. I’ve now set up a payment to process tonight on an account that only has $5 in it just to buy me an additional couple of days because the customer service reps apparently are given no leeway whatsoever in helping customers through an emergency. We’ve been solid customers since 2006 but we needed help to get through this and frankly, it’s really disappointing that this is T-Mobile’s idea of customer service. Any ideas or thoughts on how we can get a few days extension to pay our past due balance on the 14th, customer service?Solved448Views1like5CommentsConnectivity?
I connected my new t-mobile home internet device today. The plan details say I should get typical Download Speeds of 133-415 Mbps (5G) I have moved this device to just about every window in the house and the best I get is around 40 Mbps with my AMPLIFIED ("Our fastest speeds with...") home internet device. Any suggestions? Am I missing something? This device has the ability to utilize external antenne, wonder if that is what need to do? Thanks -Shellyoldfowler6 hours agoNetwork Novice12Views0likes0CommentsI need to find out when i began home internet service
I need to find out when i began home internet serviceEddy_Liu7 hours agoNetwork Novice8Views0likes0CommentsFalse statements by tmobile
T mobile can not supply 5 g speeds.... testing has shown an average speed on 5g signal at 3 megs per second and sometime 3megs per minute. Today chrome says no network , yet 5 g is displayed in the status bar. Another lie/false statement by this network advertisements No wifi no blue tooth ... as selected and the system """" displays this""" as such. Yet that to is a lie.. false statement. The call center that I get transfered to is utterly irresponsible, unreliable, Un-edjucated. And stole data to use against me with 2 other corporations simply safe, and paypal..using it to activate security system cams and deliberately disallowing access to my accounts. Proof was sent to corporate NOCC although doubtful it was received since tmobiles reps and supervisors of a communication company CAN NOT compose or send emails.. Hummm fcc, how'd they get a license for communication when they don't?Larry20229 hours agoNewbie Caller26Views0likes2CommentsIntermittent Service t-Mobile 5G
I just received my 5G gateway and have set this up. I’m a software engineer with a solid knowledge of electronics and telecoms but I’m not up to date with latest stuff. Anyway I have the device setup, we also have ADSL but I want to explore 5G so I subscribed to see how it behaves. I have a single PC cabled into the gateway, nothing else in the house communicates (yet) with the gateway (my phone does talk to the gateway over wifi to inspect it, but that’s all). I got a 3bar signal and set the unit on my desk and it seemed OK, very much faster than ADSL. But after an hour I began to get randomly “No internet” and the device had disconnected. This has been the case for the past two hours now. Up then down like 10 mins, 5 mins, 2 mins, 8 mins uptime then brief loss of connection. The 3bar signal strength seems steady. There are a primary and secondary signals reported on the web page that proves the gateway. Does anyone have any idea what lies behind these disconnects? My zip is 85207 and all indications are we have “5G Ultra Capacity” I am a few miles away from various buttes that have lots of towers, one is west of me and during the setup my phone indicated a signal source west of me, so I’m assuming that tower is the location of the signal. Because of these buttes and my proximity to them and no tall buildings around I’d assumed I was advantageously placed. So what to do? I can see numerous threads about this from other people, is the service really that poor? My ADSL - though much slower - has no reliability issues, up 24/7.Sherlock_Holmes9 hours agoTransmission Trainee1.7KViews0likes25Comments- joebob40609 hours agoNetwork Novice164KViews0likes13Comments
Refurbed devices
I currently use a IOS MS Max. I can get a Refurbed 14 Pro for a reasonable price. My question to all..... Warranty ?? Since I "might" purchase from a seller other than Tmo, COULD Tmo offer warranty services ?? Kind of like the Car Warranty adds on TV. Is there any coverage like that ??65WMG2346410 hours agoVisitor13Views0likes0CommentsRevisiting the home internet location issue
I am in an area within a mile of a tower, have great speeds, never deal with buffering, but I have the location issue everyone else has. I understand the how the addresses are routed, to a point and this is also where I get confused. TMobile says they can track where your gateways goes. They know the physical address it is supposed to be and knows when it is elsewhere. I believe my gateway has GPS in it as well. It is the newest of the routers. Why can't that be used to give physical location to the browsers? With that said, with the location issue be everywhere, could this be brought up as a class-action? I was never told that location would be an issue and currently new subscribers to the service apparently not being told based on how may people are bringing up the issue just after starting the service? Again, other than the location issue (which is frustrating because I don't live in Detroit, Columbus, nor Nashville) the service is reliable and fast.ifellforit11 hours agoRoaming Rookie15Views0likes0Comments
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